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🗓 Dec 26 | 2019📍📖 |《经济学人》原文:-20191226113241

译鸣Babel  · 微博  ·  · 2019-12-26 11:32
2019-12-26 11:32 本条微博链接 🗓 Dec 26 | 2019📍📖 |《经济学人》原文:🔎 It may be that children put on weight because they eat too much unhealthy food, perhaps egged on by advertising they have seen on some screen or other, and become less active as a result.🔍 也许是孩子们受到在某些屏幕上看到的广告怂恿,吃了太多不健康食品而导致体重增加,才变得不那么爱活动了。[带着微博去旅行] | 知识点:📝 这里的“egg on”指的是“怂恿,鼓动,煽动”,尤指怂恿某人做淘气、鲁莽、危险 ………………………………

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