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200岁  · 简书  ·  · 2019-10-03 14:11

Parents relationship

Susie abserves how people get along in her family。

How did they solve arguing ?Over and over with no solution? One submit,one walk out。Or the same one submit and walk out?Who move to reconciliation?

note:很多时候,我们要的是对方真诚的包容合作,而不是要对方臣服,赢了对方。讲赢了道理,输了感情。作为家长,不妨大方告诉孩子发生了什么,我们是如何解决的。tell others how i feel,what i want

No talking 冷战 will she feel hostality? Will she be happy being a girl when she watches the interaction between her parents? If happy,probaly she will decide to have a relationship with a man?if not,if she saw bad cases she will think relationship is doomed to fail and single forever。 In japan, the marriage rate is low。

She is not study consciously but watching。She is filling information and draw conclusion about relationship and what she probabley do in a relationship。

Take away after disscussing:

1.Bbout arguing?

who is the boss? there is always a boss in the family. in most cases in order to maintain the relationship, one sumbit or one walk away.


Talking about sexual equality, China is doing a better job than many countries, like Japan, Korea. But still woman share more household duties.在乌克兰的采访报道中,男人女人都一致认为女人理所当然地做家务,虽然有娱乐的成分。很多男人仍然做着找个温柔贤惠勤劳能干带娃单挑家务全包老婆、自己做个潇洒快活男人的千秋大梦。一个大学教授说,如果一个男人跟你说“我们结婚以后,我会帮你做家务”,那不要嫁给他。他认为是在 你做家务。

Ideal pattern: for happy marraige. there is always pattern/formula. We can just follow. like, praising each other, give surprises, study together.how did they slove problem? definetely no cold war. cold war is hurting and absorb your energy(make you depressed and exusated). just focus on the problem, no yelling, no fighting,no irrational staff.  find a way out for both of you after talking. 共同经营婚姻,共同分担家务和照料小孩

2. attitude towards relationship

the family atmostphere have a significant role for children's attitude towards relationship.

In a warm family, you find love is good, romatic.otherwise, you dont' want marrige/relationship, hate man/woman.

3. classmate couple

calssmate couple can more likely have the similar world view as they grow up under the same enviorment/education(educaiton is really the key point). So there is a higher possibility for a stabler marrige.

4.Creative force

the book is talking about creative force for Susie.  But I found that even for grow-ups, we still have creative force to change our buildings.we study, we add bricks, paint colors. We explains the world in our own way.

This book has lots of questions, everybody's answer is different. we use our creative force to explain the book, get our own answer

5.  幸存者偏差


跟读书无用论一样。 那些高层次的学霸,大咖,你根本接触不到,因为你如此普通。偶尔出现几个小学毕业赚大钱的便被津津乐道。

6. NBA


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