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Quora | 有哪些最触动人心的故事?这首诗感动了全世界

Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2021-01-09 16:32
What is the most emotional picture you've ever seen?Quora User · Wed Studies Medicine (college major) at Padjadjaran University (Expected 2025)33.7k Views · 2.2k UpvotesAre they pictures?Written by Merrill Glass. These picts have been in my gallery since Jan, 24th 2020.▌评论:James Timothy:Almost teared up there… Almost… ah screw it, that was the most emotional thing I’ve read in a while▌精选:1. 美媒:美国国会确认拜登胜选 | 热点英语2. 英语里有哪些冷知识?「Quora高赞」3. 超强百度网盘搜索引擎,我只用“大力盘”!回复 考研 获取考研资料回复 稻壳 获取学生党必备查文档神器(可替代某文库)回复 字典 获取3个超棒的欧陆字典库(牛津、朗文双解等)回复 老友记 获取《老友记》高清视频资源(全10季)把时间交给阅读长按获取©文章著作 ………………………………

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