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小媛译站  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-08-12 08:54
关注小媛,好好学习不迷路~单选1. I believe watching TV is____listening to radio.A. so good or better thanB. like good or better thanC. as good as or better thanD. as good as or better2. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. She spends lots of money on makeup each year.B. He always has a great amount of work to do.C. Tom bought a few furniture for his new house.D. A great quantity of flowers was placed in the hall.3. The tuition fees are____to students coming from low income families.A. approachableB. payableC. affordableD. reachable4. Thousands of____at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.A. audienceB. spectatorsC. participantsD. observers5. I'm supposed to go to the meeting, but I have an out--Sam invited me first to come to his wedding. The underlined word means____.A.planB.problemC.troubleD.excuse 参考答案&解析:1. [C] 我相信看电视和听广播一样好,甚至更好。本题考查形容词 ………………………………

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