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英国公共厕所数量有所下降 UK public toilets are less common丨随身英语

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-04-01 21:30
14-2020  晚上好!欢迎收听今天的BBC英语每个国家都会在车站、机场等公共场所设置厕所,然而,最近数据表明,在英国去公共厕所 “方便” 变得越来越难,因为英国政府已经停止维护多处公厕。跟《随身英语》学习多种表示 “上厕所” 的委婉说法。When you've got to go, you've got to go. At least that's the old saying! It refers to the often inconvenient need for a person to visit the toilet. It can happen to us all. There you are, out and about — when suddenly your bladder informs you that you need to spend a penny. The logical thing to do is tie a knot in it until you get to your destination, but what if you're busting? That's when you head straight to the nearest public lavatory. But in the UK, that might prove tough.Public loos in the UK appear to be going down the toilet. At least 673 publi ………………………………

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