专栏名称: 哲学园
哲学是爱智慧, 爱智慧乃是对心灵的驯化。 这里是理念的在场、诗意的栖居地。 关注哲学园,认识你自己。
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哲学园  · 公众号  · 哲学  · 2024-04-15 00:00
奎因在《我生命中的时光:自传》(1985)中对这次采访的记述:{422}Bryan Magee was planning a program of interviews, called “Men of Ideas,” for British television.It was to include me, and he came to Boston in August 1976 to prepare the content. Between Beacon Hill and Bare Hill we had long talks. Subsequently he complied tentative questions together with conjectures as to my answers. He sent this material from London, and I responded with preliminary formulations of my real answers. The program was scheduled for a year later.【1976{422}布莱恩·麦基正在为英国电视台策划一档名为《思想家》的访谈节目,我也在访谈之列。他在1976年8月来到波士顿准备节目内容。我们在比肯山和童山这两地有过几次长谈。随后,他拟出 ………………………………

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