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狐狸说安全  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-04 17:30
title: Vulnhub-Djinn-1categories: - VulnHubtags: - Linux - nmap - gobuster - 命令执行 - 命令执行绕过 - sudo - FTP - suid - 匿名登录 - 端口碰撞 - knock - Python - SSH - burpsuite - 反编译 - uncompyle - decompile3cover: /images/Vulnhub.pngabbrlink: 37b881date: 2023-03-04 01:26:14Vulnhub Djinn-10x01 靶机介绍Level: Beginner-Intermediateflags: user.txt and root.txtDescription: The machine is VirtualBox as well as VMWare compatible. The DHCP will assign an IP automatically. You'll see the IP right on the login screen. You have to find and read two flags (user and root) which is present in user.txt and root.txt respectively.Format: Virtual Machine (Virtualbox - OVA)Operating System: Linux靶机下载地址:https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/djinn-1,397/0x02 侦查端口探测首先使用 nmap 进行端口扫描nmap -p- -sV -sC -A -oA nmap_djinn扫描结果显示目标开放了21、22、1337、7331端口吗,其中存在 FTP 匿名登 ………………………………

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