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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-07 12:00
国家电影局消息,暂停大陆影片和人员参加2019年第56届台北金马影展。China's film authority has suspended movies and personnel from the Chinese mainland from taking part in the 56th Golden Horse Film Festival in Taipei in November, China Central Television reported Wednesday.The report had no details regarding the decision from the authority.The awards ceremony will be held on Nov 23 in Taipei. The China Golden Rooster Film Festival will be held the same day in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province.编辑:李雪晴来源:中国电影报 中国日报 央视新闻推 荐 阅 读香港议员上BBC“要普选”,被主持人怼到笑容逐渐凝固……不让坐地铁?香港市民集体怒了,痛斥示威者“暴徒”中国日报双语新闻↑长按关注中国最大的双语资讯公众号↑我就知道你“在看” ………………………………

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