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【TG】James Webb space telescope

经济学人考研英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-01-09 09:24
文章导读昨天,美国宇航局的工程师们完成了宇航局詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜望远镜巨大主镜的最后展开工作。这一策略是耗资100亿美元的天文台为期两周的部署阶段的最后一步,部署阶段从圣诞节开始。这架望远镜已经穿越了60万英里的太空,是迄今为止建造的最大、最强大的太空望远镜,必须紧紧地折叠起来,才能放进阿丽亚娜5号发射火箭中。【Para.1】Nasa engineers yesterday completed the final unfolding of the huge primary mirror of the agency’s James Webb space telescope. The manoeuvre was the final step of the $10bn observatory’s two-week deployment phase that began with its launch on Christmas Day.【Para.2】The telescope, which has already travelled more than 600,000 miles across space, is the largest, most powerful space telescope ever built and had to ………………………………

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