专栏名称: 竹庆本乐
竹庆本乐在中国地区唯一授权的官方公众号。他是当代最重要的学者与教育家之一,亦是实修的成就者、书法家、视觉艺术家和诗人。 他的教学幽默清新,饱含传承自其根本上师KTGR的丰沛力量和不拘形式的原创力,深受弟子的爱戴。
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坏习性是如何运作的?(一) | How Do Bad Habits Work?

竹庆本乐  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-15 10:00
带着正念向内看Our habits are very strong. For example, if you have a killing habit, it’s hard to stop, isn’t it? We may have a very strong habit of killing mosquitos. Even if someone has been a Buddhist for many years, if a mosquito comes and lands on the arm: Slap! We don’t even think–it’s habit.我们的习性非常强大。举例来说,假如你有杀生的习性,是不是会觉得很难去抵挡它?我们可能都有一个根深蒂固的习性就是去杀死蚊子。即便有些人已成为一名佛教徒多年,但当蚊子停在了手臂上还是会:马上拍打!根本不假思索——这就是习性。Therefore, these habits are something we have acquired over time. In India, for example, there are many people chewing tobacco. When I was little I thought it looked like a lot of fun. Until I tried it once. I became dizzy and threw up, and had man ………………………………

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