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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-04-02 15:30
导读 中国日报记者张悦于3月20日从美国分社回国。她用视频记录了纽约直飞北京的检疫隔离全过程,历时31个小时。The flight left at 4:30 pm, March 20, from New York, and was estimated to arrive in Beijing at 6:00 pm, March 21.航班预计在纽约时间3月20日的下午四点半起飞,并于第二天的晚上六点到达北京。It was slightly delayed. Boarding started at 4:15 pm.不过飞机有些晚点,下午四点一刻才开始登机。All passengers had their body temperature taken before boarding. Flying across the Pacific Ocean under COVID-19, everyone was bundled up in protections and being extra cautious for themselves, and everyone else. 乘客在登机前需要测量体温。疫情下的长途旅程,每一个人都把自己包裹起来,谨慎而小心。All flight attendants were fully armed with protective suits, ………………………………

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