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考研英语外刊阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-10-13 20:11
快,点击上方蓝字关注并置顶这个公众号,一起涨姿势~全文字数:1350字阅读时间:12分钟上期翻译答案The e-emporium now has some 400 full-time economists on staff, several times as many as a typical research university. 亚马逊现在拥有约400名全职经济学家,是一般的研究型大学的几倍。《本期内容》◆双语阅读Feeling unhappy, depressed or lonely could speed up the ageing processes more than smoking or even certain diseases, researchers have suggested. While everyone has an age based on their date of birth – their “chronological age” – they also have what is known as a “biological age”, based on the ageing of the body’s functions, influenced by genetics, lifestyle and other factors. Studies have previously suggested the higher the biological age, the higher the risk of various diseases, and the risk of death.点击下方空白区域查看翻译▼研究人员表示,感到不快乐、沮丧或孤独, ………………………………

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