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Life | Singer shows the world his talent at UN

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-04-29 11:40
At the conclusion of the United Nations Chinese Language Day, fans of singer Zhou Shen accompanied him from the conference room all the way to the elevator doors. The singer waved goodbye and said "thank you" to those who enjoy his music as he stepped into the elevator.▲Zhou Shen performing during a concert last year. Born in a mountain village in Hunan province, he has become one of the most popular singers in the country.▲Zhou performing at the Chinese Language Day event at the United Nations headquarters in New York on April 18.▲Zhou touring the UN headquarters in New York."What I feel very happy about is that there are many people behind me who support and love me," Zhou told China Daily in an exclusive interview inside UN headquarters in New York. "I feel that they are with me on every stage I stand on. I also want to tell them that we can work together to realize the dreams we want to realize."News of Zhou singing at the UN went viral last week. The topic has garnered in ex ………………………………

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