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GSB播客|Think Fast, Talk Smart - 6: 如何成为一个好的在线交流者

斯坦福商学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-28 09:00
想要成功地主持远程会议并成为有影响力的发言人,你需要具备一些特定的技能。成功有效的线上沟通与发言人的存在感、使用工具的能力以及受众的参与度都有关系。在本期播客节目中,主持人Matt Abrahams分享了如何成为一个更有效和更具吸引力的在线交流者的最佳实践。以下为本期播客的文字整理稿:Matt Abrahams: Communicating virtually is no longer a convenience, it’s now a necessity. As more and more companies and classrooms transition to online communication, we all can benefit from best practices to ensure our ideas are communicated clearly and concisely. My name is Matt Abrahams and I teach Strategic Communications at Stanford Graduate School of Business and welcome to a Quick Thinks episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, the podcast.I believe there are four main areas to ………………………………

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