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IMF:欧洲不应投身“补贴竞赛”;希腊和西班牙面临向乌克兰提供防空系统的压力 | 双语资讯速览

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-22 17:30
01IMF:欧洲不应投身“补贴竞赛”Europe will damage its economy if it enters a “subsidy race” with the US and China, and policymakers should focus instead on reaping gains from lifting internal barriers to EU trade, the IMF has warned.国际货币基金组织(IMF)警告称,如果欧洲与美国和中国展开“补贴竞赛”,其经济将受到损害;相反,政策制定者应该聚焦于通过消除欧盟内部贸易壁垒来获取增长。Trying to copy the US Inflation Reduction Act, a package that includes $369bn of subsidies and tax credits for clean energy technologies, would permanently knock 0.6 per cent off EU gross domestic product, the fund said in its latest European Economic Outlook published on Friday.IMF在上周五发布的最新《欧洲经济展望》(European Economic Outlook)中表示,试图效仿美国的《降低通胀法》(Inflation Reduction Act)——该法包含面向清洁能源技术的3690亿美元补贴和税收抵免——将导 ………………………………

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