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China Daily | 这届年轻人爱上了“预制菜”!

考研英语同源外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-18 19:00
Standards for precooked food to heat up industry预制菜行业标准化Standards for precooked food to heat up industry. Dalian in Liaoning province has established a list of designated standards to build itself into China's ready-to-cook seafood capital.制定预制菜标准以促进行业更好更快发展。辽宁省大连市已制定了一系列指定标准,将其打造成中国海鲜预制菜之都。The city's administration for market regulation offered the first precooked food production license to a company on March 31 after its products met these strict standards.大连市市场监管部门于3月31日向一家公司颁发了首张预制菜生产许可证,因其产品符合这些严格的标准。"With authoritative standards, it will effectively control food safety risks in the emerging food sector," said Deng Entang, president of the Dalian Premade-food Industry Association.大连市预制菜行业协会会长邓恩堂表示:“有了权威的标准,新兴食品行 ………………………………

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