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Call for paper (IF 12.8):截止2024年3月31日

51选刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-13 21:49
请关注Brain-X(交叉脑科学)主要聚焦与脑/神经科学有交叉融合的多学科前沿!微信公众号二维码Carbon Neutrality Pathways for Building OperationCarbon neutral technology for building operation is an international research hotspot. The planning of technological paths for energy saving and carbon reduction in building operation oriented to the goal of carbon neutrality, the research and development of disruptive technologies, and the synergistic low-carbon technologies between low-carbon in building operation and the fields of transportation, industry, and energy, are the focus of attention and the research frontiers of the relevant fields in countries all over the world. Vigorously reducing operational carbon emissions in the building sector will greatly change the concepts and methods of building construction, operation, maintenance and repair in all aspects, resulting in huge revolutionary changes in the entire industry.Thereby, the special issue will ………………………………

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