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Editorial丨US makes telling response to ICC move

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-05-22 10:48
The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor sought arrest warrants on Monday for the leaders of Israel and Hamas on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity as a result of their actions during the seven-month war in Gaza.▲Photo taken on Oct 28, 2021 shows the White House in Washington, DC, the United States. [Photo/Xinhua]A panel of three judges will decide whether to issue arrest warrants that will enable the case to proceed. That decision-making process typically takes two months.Those feeling encouraged that the move might help prompt an early end to the bloodshed in Gaza should realize that since neither Israel nor Hamas is a member of the court, even if the arrest warrants are issued, none of those named will face any immediate risk of prosecution, but only difficulties in traveling to the 124 countries that are States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC.Worse, judging from the don't-worry-about-that signal the United States has sent Israel, the move might ev ………………………………

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