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麦音乐  · 公众号  · 音乐  · 2018-06-24 21:30
曲名:Spinning On Blue歌手:Bien所属专辑:Spinning on Blue发行年代:2017风格:Indie Pop 独立流行“歌词摘要:Wake up wake up wake up快醒来 快苏醒 睁开朦胧的眼The sun is rising and day is here for us太阳正在冉冉升起 崭新的一天就在眼前Today came around before a night to coast-line to be alive今天可以耗尽我的一切去捕捉生命的光芒Come come come来吧 快来吧Date my hand and bring me dreams long牵起我臂膀 一直酝酿梦想See you wonderful all around get us can found color in sound环顾你周围那美妙的世界 迷途而找寻 在嘈杂声中收获斑斓We are spinning on blue watching the same clouds我们穿着蓝色外衣 望着同样色彩的云朵Breezing in breezing out微风徐徐吹过Look up look up look up寻找 找寻 寻找The star is shiining so close to we could touch我们能如此近距 ………………………………

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