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【NYTimes】How to maximize your chances of living longer?

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-03-25 06:00
How to Increase Your Chances of Having a Long, Healthy LifeWhere’s the best place in America to live if you want to maximize your chances of living longer?Based on an authoritative new state-by-state study of the American burden of disease, disability and premature death, and how it has changed from 1990 to 2016, you might consider setting down roots in Hawaii, where residents have the longest life expectancy, 81.3 years.But if your goal is to live long and stay healthy as long as you can, call Minnesota your home, which outranks every state and the District of Columbia for average length of healthy life expectancy, 70.3 years.Perhaps I should have stayed in Minneapolis, a city I loved and still do nearly 53 years after moving to New York to work for The New York Times. But then I would not have been writing this column every week for the last 40-odd years. Win some, lose some!M ………………………………

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