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你是宅在你的house里,还是来听我们放House? M.O.U Vol 3 Pre-sale is on

近似于透明的深蓝  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-08-15 23:56
2018年8月18日 周六 晚上10pm开始Sat. 18th. Aug 2018 Starts from 10pmMAO Electronic Studio上海黄浦区重庆南路308号3楼3/F. 308 Chongqing Nan Lu. ShanghaiTickets 票价: Pre-Sale 预售 60 At Door 现场 80Pre-Sale links : https://www.showstart.com/event/62049?ssfrom=cd-1191752Dear Followers, Ravers and Friends,As announced to you but a couple of days ago, we are deeply proud and excited to bring to you the next edition of our new Masters of the Underground concept.正如几天前我们的声明的那样,我们是如此骄傲和兴奋地为大家带来了我们新一期的Masters of Underground的概念。Surfing the wave of enthusiasm that kept us dancing, learning and experiencing in our second chapter, the third edition of this new concept will bring us into new territories, keeping the exploration of sound as the main traction factor.徜徉在热忱与激 ………………………………

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