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“几分钟看电影”短视频被盯上了!涉及众多“百万博主” | Creators vs Copyright Infringement

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-04-16 16:58
导读 近日,超过70家影视公司、行业协会、视频网站发布联合声明,共同呼吁广大短视频平台和公众账号生产运营者尊重原创、保护版权,未经授权不得对相关影视作品实施剪辑、切条、搬运、传播等侵权行为。Recently, more than 70 film and TV enterprises issued a joint statement on protecting copyrights, stating that they will use necessary legal rights to fight against copyright infringements. The statement said that the tort actions include unauthorized reassembling and dissemination of film and television works on the Internet, especially on short video platforms. It appeals for "permission before using" to create a healthy eco-system.Reassembled film or TV clips for commentaries, famous scene collections, and plot analyses, are a growing trend on the short video platforms such as Bilibili, Tiktok, Kuaishou ………………………………

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