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英式没品笑话百科  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-26 21:00
        ☆'Corona' is Latin for crown. After years of waiting for the top job, this is probably the closest Charles is going to get. “Corona”一次在拉丁语中指王冠。 经过这么多年的等待,这或许是查尔斯王储最接近那个位子的一次了。——Fothermucker☆I can remember the days when we used to smoke in pubs, now we can't even drink in them. 我能回忆起曾经我们在酒吧里抽烟的日子,而现在我们甚至都不能在酒吧里喝酒。——EimerkHunt☆Does anybody know how long you have to wait before you can safely eat a family member who has died from Coronavirus. Asking for a friend.假设你有一个家庭成员死于新冠病毒,我要等多久才能安全地食用他呢? 就是帮一个朋友问问啦。——GeordieGerry2020☆A black kid, who I was really close to, died after being stabbe ………………………………

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