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微软员工和 GitHub 员工宣布支持 996.ICU 运动

Microsoft资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-23 22:21
   微软员工表示将尽最大努力继续支持 996.ICU 运动,并有效利用 GitHub 平台为中国科技工作者发声。作者 | MSWorkers来源 | GitHubTech workers in China started a GitHub repository titled 996.ICU, a reference to the grueling and illegal working hours of many tech companies in China - from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. "By following the '996' work schedule, you are risking yourself getting into the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)," says the 996.ICU GitHub project description. The project calls for Chinese tech companies to obey the labor laws in China and the international labor convention.中国的技术从业者正在利用 GitHub 吸引社会各界对中国科技行业中许多公司非法用工行为的关注。该 GitHub 项目被命名为为 996.ICU,其中 996 代表了中国许多科技公司的工作时间——从上午 9 点到晚上 9 点, ………………………………

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