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财经:稳增长金融政策再加码丨Support raised for domestic economy

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-04-05 09:36
导读 央行周五宣布定向降准,注入约4000亿元流动性,时隔12年后再次下调金融机构超额存款准备金率,加大对中小企业信贷支持力度。财政部也表示尽快提前下发新增地方政府专项债务额度,扩大专项债资金使用范围,加快基建投资。China is ramping up financial support for the domestic economy, including a cut in banks' required reserves, officials said on Friday. Also, targeted measures in issuing bonds and injecting liquidity will help bail out the corporate sector with the global spread of the novel coronavirus.The People's Bank of China, the central bank, announced cuts in the reserve requirement ratio for some rural and city commercial banks by a total of 1 percentage point, split between April 15 and May 15, or 0.5 percentage point each time. That is to release about 400 billion yuan ($56.4 billi ………………………………

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