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写作时感到的痛苦,是理清思想的痛苦 | Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 2021W07

RoamResearch中文社区  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-18 16:19
Tweet by @Jimmy_JingLv on [[February 7th, 2021]]:Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 #2021W07- #RoamCN2021W07 #RoamCN #WeeklyNewsletter- #roamcult #LearnInPublic #LearnWithJimmy #Zettelkasten- @cn_roam @RoamResearch roam-cn/roamcult.vip#[[Roam 洞见]] 思想家的 11 项思考技能:knowledge-able 而非 information-fullCabrera Research Lab@cabreraresearchThinkers are knowledge-able, instead of information-full. Curious. Kind. Intelligent. Inspired and Inspiring. A Thinker is truly well-rounded and will develop the eleven skills below. #systemsthinkingdaily #systemsthinking #thinking #thinker #problemsolving #science #cognitionFebruary 15th 202110 Retweets10 Likes#[[Roam 生态]] 作者打造自己的 NENO (stands for "network of notes") 系统,创建知识的可视化地图Sebastian Zimmer@szimrOver the last year, I have built an application that helped me creating a custom ………………………………

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