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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-28 10:35
近日,由江苏省苏州昆剧院与台湾著名作家白先勇打造的昆曲剧目青春版《牡丹亭》赴台开启二十周年庆演。国台办发言人陈斌华表示,这既是久别重逢,也是众望所归。我们预祝庆演活动圆满成功,希望更多的台湾观众特别是年轻观众享受昆曲之美,并对中华民族灿烂悠久的历史文化有更深切的了解和认识。The youth version of The Peony Pavilion, a classic Kunqu Opera, has embarked on its 20th anniversary performance tour in Taiwan. We hope that more Taiwan audiences, especially the younger generation, can enjoy the beauty of Kunqu Opera and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the splendid and enduring historical culture of the Chinese nation, said Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.“不到园林,怎知春色如许。”在台湾二十周年庆演现场,从白发长者到稚嫩学童都为昆曲沉醉,有高雄夫妻带着读 ………………………………

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