专栏名称: 一天一篇经济学人
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一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-03 13:24
【原文】于秋瑾个人而言,她或许是个不太成功的娜拉,她抗争过,妥协过,对抗过,却最终没能看到成功的曙光。但是,对于全天下的“娜拉”来说,她又是成功的。正如郭沫若评价的那样:“秋瑾所走的路正是‘娜拉’的答案。求得应分的学识与技能,以谋生活的独立,在社会的总解放中争取妇女自身的解放;在社会的总解放中担负妇女应负的任务;为完成这些任务不惜以自己的生命作牺牲——这些便是正确的答案。”【参考译文】To herself, Qiu Jin might not be the most fulfilled version of Nora (the heroine in A Doll's House), who, after having compromised and resisted, failed to witness her desired hope. However, compared with all the other women’s struggles worldwide, Qiu Jin can be viewed as a successful counterpart of Nora. As Guo Moruo commented, "Qiu Jin’s choice sheds light on a promising future of Nora, that is, to obtain appropriate knowledge and s ………………………………

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