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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-04-28 10:54
人在迷茫困惑之时,即便走在路上,也会深感归期无望,不知道应该是掉头转向还是该奋勇向前。这时候不妨停下来看看、想想,等我们幡然醒悟之后,就会明白,这只不过是人生的一个弯道。黯然神伤也好,欣然愉悦也罢,都要从容面对。不管这条路是宽广无阻,还是偏僻坎坷,它总是在向前延伸,而我们也必定要走过,心怀勇敢,一直向前!愈是通往光明智慧的方向,愈要走得坚定。---加措活佛When people are lost and confused, even if they are walking on the path, they will feel that there is no hope of return, and they don't know whether to turn around or forge ahead. At this time, it’s not a bad idea to stop, look around, and ponder; and when we wake up from our confused daze, we will understand that this is just another bend in the road of life. Great if you are happy, and fine if you are sad; whatever your emotions may be, you must face the situat ………………………………

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