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无条件的爱 vs 逆来顺受,界限在哪里?

時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-02 09:03
時 間 の 玩 家         Time  Is Art   这是 時間の玩家 分享的第 1243  篇文章Sadhguru and former Miss India and Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla discuss unconditional love, devotion, and whether one might end up becoming a doormat in such a situation.萨古鲁和前印度小姐、宝莱坞女演员Juhi Chawla讨论无条件的爱、奉爱,以及在这种情况下人会不会最终变成一个擦脚垫。Juhi Chawla: Sadhguru, where and how do we draw the line between unconditional love and becoming a doormat?Juhi Chawla:萨古鲁,我们在无条件的爱和逆来顺受之间该如何划清界线?Sadhguru: We need to understand that what is considered as love is generally a mutual benefit scheme. “You give me this – I give you that. If you don’t give me this, I don’t give you that.” This is not said but it is done.Sadhguru(萨古 ………………………………

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