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包餐&包接送、租房补贴、可留用 | 500强、前景广的优企实习

实习僧  · 公众号  · 求职  · 2019-06-06 12:30
走在时尚前端你就是最靓的仔比别人快一步投递简历你就已经赢在了起跑线今天僧妞为大家带来了含金量高、福利好的实习信息邀请你一起来加入“快实习”的队伍赶紧下滑瞅一瞅吧~戴姆勒/梅赛德斯-奔驰HR Marketing100-150/天丨北京丨本科5天/周丨实习7个月职位诱惑:公司前景好、有班车职位描述:1、Supporting domestic job fairs/marketing events according to the annual recruiting requirements;2、Preparing online promotion platform (social media and website);3、Coordinating and tracking deliverables for each external/internal events;4、Service purchasing, payment, information exchange for all the HR Marketing activities.职位要求:1、Undergraduate students in Marketing, Journalism or related field;2、Proficient in English, with advanced interpersonal communication skills;3、Skil ………………………………

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