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李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-02-23 15:48
注:该视频隶属李晨老师主持的系列节目《英语教学达人访谈录》由外教易教师发展研究院主办更多访谈视频请关注公众号“外教易双师”「视频内容及翻译」Li Chen: I have this contention. And also this is my proposal to all of the English learners listening to our programme today. Stop listening to monologue or speech, or reduce the time you listen to speeches or monologues, listen to dialogues, listen to discussions more. Because in that way, you can pick up the nuances in terms of how you receive questions, how do you respond, and how do you interrupt and things like that.李晨:我有一个观点,这也是我对今天收听我们节目的所有英语学习者的建议。别再一味地听独白或演讲了,或者要减少听演讲或独白的时间。要把更多的时间花在听对话或者讨论上。因为这样 ………………………………

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