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春天来了,打卡博物馆的日子还会远吗 | Weekend Where to go

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-03-07 16:25
When I travel to a city, I will spare some time to visit the local museums. I suppose many of you will do the same.每每去到一座城市,我都会留出时间去逛逛当地的博物馆。我想很多人也是这样的吧。Two years ago, when I visited Chengdu, I was mostly impressed by the blossoming hydrangeas inside the Daci Temple and a fine collection of artwork and crafts displayed at the Sichuan Museum.大概两年前我在成都待了几天,印象最深的,一个是大慈寺里美到没朋友的绣球,还有就是四川博物院展示的精美馆藏。When I arrived at the museum, I went straight to the Da Feng Tang. The special exhibition room, dedicated to the museum's well-known accumulation of Zhang Daqian's works, is named after a studio which the master painter once shared with his elder brother and painter Zhang Shanzi, in Shanghai.川博的张大千书 ………………………………

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