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Focused Communication

GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-16 10:44
Knowledge Workers spend 6.2 hours every day on digital communication  87% admit to looking at work communication outside of working hours. It won't stop until we take control and Streamline our interactions. The speed of Today’s communication cycles creates never-empty in-boxes and never-completed to-do lists. With more than half our day spent connected, the little time we do have to concentrate continues to fragment and be broken up by more and more distractions. “Quantity has become the measurement of choice, where once quality ruled.”- John Stuart Mill It is time to reconsider this ‘more is better’ approach and switch our attention to the quality of our interactions. What would happen if we slowed down, focused more and went again the grain of hyper-connected culture that has become the ‘norm’? How can we Communicate Less and Get More Done? Focused C ………………………………

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