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Everyday English Listening 1674

CNN每日更新  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-12 22:00
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧反复练习,效果佳!Weight LiftingMike talks about the benefits of weight lifting and how he got into pumping iron.💋Todd: Mike, I thought we would talk about weight training. You're kind of an expert. I see you in the gym a lot. You're always, you know, lifting weights. How did you get involved in weight training?Mike: Well, I started in high school. I've played sports since I was little and once I got to high school, we had to start weight training for our team.Todd: OK, and so did you just start with like, you know, the basics, like free weights or did you do like the machines?Mike: Yeah, well, we had a weight lifting coach so we did both machines and free weights and he made sure that our form was correct and we did everything properly, so.Todd: Right, now, actually which did you prefer, the machines or the free weights?Mike: I prefer free weights. Yeah, I think machine is a little bit more restrictive than free weights so if you know how t ………………………………

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