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倒计时3天 | 期待与您共同追“光”!

中欧国际工商学院  · 公众号  · 商业  · 2024-05-14 23:58
时间悄然流逝,经过近八个月的精心筹备,带着对启迪与发现的无限憧憬,我们迎来了TEDxCEIBS 2024年度大会的最后三天倒计时!每一位嘉宾,都是思想的火炬,他们的见解,如同光束,穿透迷雾,汇聚成照亮智慧的璀璨星河。我们期待与您共赴这场光的探索之旅,一起见证知识与智慧如何在交流中迸发出火花!Time quietly slips away, after nearly eight months of meticulous preparation,With boundless anticipation for enlightenment and discovery,We have entered the final three-day countdown to the TEDxCEIBS 2024 Annual Event!Each guest represents a torch of thought,Their insights, like beams of light, penetrate the fog,Gathering to form a brilliant galaxy that illuminates wisdom.We look forward to embarking on this journey of exploration into light with you.Together, let's witness how knowledge and wisdom spark in this event!✦✧日程安排AGENDA✦✦✧活动主题THEME✦线上直 ………………………………

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