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【英】Vue3.0 对Web开发意味着什么?

前端早读课  · 公众号  · 前端  · 2019-02-13 06:02
前言边看技术文,边学英文。本期来自@Matt Maribojoc分享。从这开始~~Last November, Vue creator, Evan You, showcased the key updates on Vue 3.0 — the latest iteration of the rising Javascript framework. These optimizations make Vue more efficient, modular, and easy to use. I will discuss these changes and the impact I believe they’ll have following Vue 3.0’s release.What is Vue Right Now?In their own words, Vue is a “progressive framework for building user applications”. It’s designed to be super flexible with the ability to either incorporate individual Vue libraries into other projects or powering complex projects entirely with Vue.Vue is often seen as one of the more approachable and easy-to-implement frameworks. Allowing support for pure HTML templates whereas tools like React define DOM elements using Javascript.As of early 2019, we ar ………………………………

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