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Life丨Museum shines spotlight on cloisonne

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-05-17 14:26
Thanks to the donations of a patriotic connoisseur, the Shanghai Museum has become one of the country's first public museums with a showroom dedicated to cloisonne enamel objects.▲Chu Xiaobo (right), director of the Shanghai Museum, issues a certificate to Chang recognizing his donation to the institution. [Photo by Gao Erqiang/China Daily]On May 8, the museum celebrated the opening of its new room and an exhibition, All that Glitters, which features 55 cloisonne pieces donated by Robert Chang, a 97-year-old collector of Chinese artifacts."In the future, I will make more donations, and I hope everyone will be able to gather here again then," he said from his wheelchair, clad in a blue linen jacket, elegant white trousers and a smart white fedora."I began to collect fine cloisonne objects in my 40s, and now all of them are in the Shanghai Museum," Chang says."I will keep on supporting the Shanghai Museum for the remaining days of my life. People all over the world who love cloisonne w ………………………………

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