专栏名称: 51选刊
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Call for paper (IF 6.5):截止2024年4月30日

51选刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-13 21:49
请关注Brain-X(交叉脑科学)主要聚焦与脑/神经科学有交叉融合的多学科前沿!微信公众号二维码Fertilizer and soil health policies in the context of global supply disruptions and economic crisesA key editorial objective of this Special Issue is to feature a range of economic research methods and data, demonstrating the array of tools at our disposal as applied researchers and policy analysts.Special issue information:We invite studies that address one or more of the following research questions:What are the implications of national macroeconomic imbalances triggered by the recent global food-fuel-fertilizer price crisis on domestic fertilizer prices and policiesHow much of the recent disruption in fertilizer trade has been felt by farmers, either in terms of price or in the timely availability of supply? How have fertilizer usage, application rates, agronomic responses and profitability changed over time and in response to recent global market price sho ………………………………

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