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【英】产品思维 vs 项目思维

前端早读课  · 公众号  · 前端  · 2019-12-09 05:57
前言这篇会有点长,慢慢看。项目思维关注的是产出/交付,产品思维关注的是结果。本期英文来自@Kyle Evans分享。正文从这开始~~One of the biggest challenges a product manager will face (or an organization for that matter) is trying to elevate thinking and culture from a project level to a product level.Project ThinkingProject thinking is fairly pervasive. Many folks, especially in software development, have spent a lot of their careers focused on projects and project management. Large organizations often have PMO departments, focused exclusively on project management. It’s not surprising, because project management has been around a very long time. And we as humans tend to think in terms of projects: things we need to get done.So what is project thinking?The focus of project thinking is delivery. This could be the delivery of spec ………………………………

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