专栏名称: 未名时空
感时空,知未名,零壹经纬绘无穷——北京大学时空大数据与社会感知研究组 (微博:@未名时空-大数据感知;博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/geosoft)
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专刊征稿 | 轨迹数据计算与挖掘:Special Issue of GIScience & Remote Sensing

未名时空  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-10 11:06
GIScience & Remote Sensing(IF = 6.7) Call for papersTrajectory Data Computing and MiningBackground, Aims and Scope of the Special IssueWith the rapid development of mobile positioning and computing techniques, a vast amount of trajectory data containing time-stamped geographical information associated with the movement of people and animals has been generated by widely used location-aware devices and social network apps. The easy accessibility of trajectory data provides unprecedented ways to observe and interpret moving actions and positions, promoting diverse applications, such as human mobility patterns, route prediction and recommendation, and the discovery of region functions. These widespread applications, in turn, have spurred the study of qualified and efficient technologies for extracting knowledge or conclusions from huge trajectory datasets. Trajectory Data Computing and Mining has emerged as an attractive research theme, playing an essential role in numerous fields, such ………………………………

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