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Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 2020W49

RoamResearch中文社区  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-06 12:26
Tweet by @Jimmy_JingLv on November 30th, 2020#RoamCN2020W49 #RoamCN #WeeklyNewsletter#roamcult #LearnInPublic #LearnWithJimmy #Zettelkasten@cn_roam @RoamResearch1/ 通过纯css优化特定标签及其输入框的样式。Fabrice Gallet@fbgalletThanks to @CatoMinor3 for his css tips for @RoamResearch blocks , I can now clearly present the conclusion of an argument with a line separator, with the tag #donc (so) ! (pure css + highlight) #roamcultDecember 1st 202012 Likes2/ 从产品角度畅想一下Roam Research移动端的交互方式。Alexander Rink@rcvd_ioJust playing around with some ideas on how a @RoamResearch Mobile App could look and work...what does @roamhacker think about this?December 1st 202017 Likes3/ Connection > Collection 不要当一只只会囤集的花栗鼠。Beau Haan@beauhaanConnection > Collection @DocAyomide droppin' bombs on me! This IS coaching. Not b ………………………………

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