专栏名称: 职场先生MrCareer
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实习推荐| 花旗银行开启2020暑期实习!报名从速!

职场先生MrCareer  · 公众号  · 职场  · 2019-12-05 12:02
关于花旗花旗银行(Citibank)是花旗集团属下的一家零售银行,其主要前身是1812年6月16日成立的纽约城市银行(City Bank of New York)。花旗集团在全球一百多个国家约为二亿客户提供服务,包括个人、机构、企业和政府部门。提供广泛的金融产品服务从消费银行服务及信贷、企业、投资银行服务、以及经纪、保险和资产管理等,非任何其它金融机构可以比拟。项目简介The Intern is an entry level position at Citi where the student will receive a foundation of knowledge and training required to contribute as a valuable resource in Citi. Interns receive real-world work and add value to their teams during their time at Citi. Assignments focus on attaining core competencies in any of the following: Global Functions and the Institutional Clients Group Global.工作地点Ge ………………………………

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