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FT是英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的简称,1888年创刊。凭借全球记者资源和英语母语特色,每日奉上双语阅读资讯、速读小测、原声视频与电台,轻松学英语。内容涵盖金融财经、时尚轻奢、运动美食、职场管理、移民留学等热门话题。
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昆虫末日or人类末日?| 双语阅读

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-03-11 17:31
昆虫构成了地球生态系统不可或缺的一环。若任由昆虫数量锐减,无异于拉动触发地球环境崩溃的引线。Screenshot: FTChineseWhen it comes to exemplifying the motto “waste not, want not”, dung beetles rule. There are about 6,000 such species that relish fiddling with faeces: rolling it into balls, burying it, laying eggs in it, and feasting on it.说到“俭以防匮”这句箴言的典范,屎壳郎(学名蜣螂)当仁不让。目前约有6000种这样的物种喜欢摆弄其他动物的粪便:把粪便滚成球,埋起来,在里面产卵,并以粪便为食。These glossy insects contribute to the smooth running of the planet by, among other things, aerating soil and disposing of dung heaps containing parasites that would otherwise infect livestock. Dung beetles, though, are under threat from habitat loss, pesticides, invasive s ………………………………

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