专栏名称: 竹庆本乐
竹庆本乐在中国地区唯一授权的官方公众号。他是当代最重要的学者与教育家之一,亦是实修的成就者、书法家、视觉艺术家和诗人。 他的教学幽默清新,饱含传承自其根本上师KTGR的丰沛力量和不拘形式的原创力,深受弟子的爱戴。
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自我的幻相 (二)| The Myth of the Self

竹庆本乐  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-06-28 10:00
放松,享受地做自己What we’re trying to get, ignore, or steer clear of could be a new car, our in-laws, or the State of Arizona.我们想要获得,忽略或者逃避的可能是一辆新车,我们的亲家或者是亚利桑那州。 We play out the same patterns with belief systems and values, not just with people, places and things. We may not care about internet neutrality but we may be strongly pro or con on war, equal rights, or the existence of extraterrestrials. All of our neurotic emotions and judgments start with our clinging to “I, me, and mine.” And we’re not exempt from our own judgments. We admire some of our qualities and build ourselves up. But there are other things we can’t stand about ourselves, so we tear ourselves down. One minute we’re feeling pretty smart and sure of ourselves, and the next minute we’re feeling totally inadequate or ………………………………

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