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阿斯汤加瑜伽之路  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-21 06:26
全美瑜伽联盟RYT高级导师.国际认证班国际著名导师:Maya系列课程大纲Tree Yoga 200 hour  teacher training Syllabus by MayaIt is taught emphasizing breathing and vinyasa together, Unlike Ashtanga Vinayasa Sequence, the sequence in Vinayasa Krama method can be changed and practiced over a week covering a total of 12 sequences.It allows a beginner to advanced practitioner to test their limit. 在这种体系中强调呼吸与串联的连接,不像阿斯汤加串联体系的顺序是固定的而Vinyasa krama有十二个序列,你可以在一周的练习中不断调整练习。所以无论对于初学者还是高级的体式练习者都可以从中得到挑战。一、体式练习Asana Practice Vinyasa krama sequence is taught by T. Krishnamacharya —— the father of modern yoga. Vinyasa krama是现代瑜伽之父克里希那玛查亚所教授的传统 ………………………………

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