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2018/12/13 雅思大作文解析(明星;体育)

饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2018-12-13 20:16
大陆考题2018/12/13 Task2Young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than famous people in the history of their country. Why is it? What can be done to increase young people’s interest in the famous people in the history of their country?报告类题目。第一问确定C,问为什么年轻人知道明星比自己国家的历史名人多。第二问也是确定C,问如何解决这个问题。  写作ABC思路参考A 国际媒体不断宣传 B 年轻人媒体接触信息 C 知道明星比历史名人多A 学校变得商业化 B 即便老师也经常讨论明星 C 知道明星比历史名人多A  政府干涉 B 减少校园的商业信息,提高历史名人的宣传 C 年轻人对历史名人更感兴趣     亚太   考题2018/12/13  Task2Some people think sports games are important for society, while others believe they sh ………………………………

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