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连绵山水 | 衢州·智慧新城数字经济产业园

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-23 11:40
由零壹城市建筑事务所设计的“连绵山水”衢州智慧新城数字经济产业园现已正式落成。设计“将建筑轻轻地放在自然上”,与环绕城市的远山遥相呼应 。"Rolling Hillscape" Quzhou Smart Town Digital Economy Industrial Park, designed by LYCS Architecture, has been officially completed. The design "Gently Places the Building into Nature," echoes the distant mountains that surround the city.项目坐落于衢州市高铁新城核心板块,总建筑面积 96,172.11㎡,是包含智慧服务中心、科技孵化中心、城市展览馆三大功能的数字综合体。The project is located in the core area of the Quzhou High-speed Rail New City, with a total construction area of 96,172.11 square meters. It is a digital complex comprising three main functions: the Smart Service Center, the Technology Incubation Center, and the Urban Exhibition Hall.连绵山水Rolling Hillscape有着“山水之乡,人文之府”称号的衢州位 ………………………………

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