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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-12-13 14:09
面对已持续近四周的“黄背心”抗议活动,法国时间12月10日晚,总统马克龙发表电视讲话,宣布国家进入经济和社会的紧急状态。此次演讲长达13分钟,重点在税改问题上。马克龙罕见承认自己应该为民怨负起部分责任,并承诺从2019年起,将提高最低工资标准。他同时呼吁企业界一起行动,帮助国家走出困境。戳视频↓↓↓据《华盛顿邮报》报道:French President Emmanuel Macron announced late Monday that he will increase France’s minimum wage by 100 euros — about $114 —a month and slash overtime and some pension taxes in an effort to curb a wave of violent protests that have rocked the country for nearly a month and undermined the authority of his government.法国总统马克龙周一晚间宣布,明年起将每月最低工资调高100欧元(约合人民币 ………………………………

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