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社评:防范无症状感染,不可掉以轻心 | Symptomless spread requires attention

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-04-01 09:20
A library staff member in Central China's Henan province tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Saturday after being in close contact with two friends who later also tested positive for the virus; neither of whom had any symptoms.This has brought to people's notice the question of how asymptomatic infections can be tracked and what are the chances of such virus carriers spreading the virus to others.Experts have their different views about such cases. Some say there are not many such cases, and some say that there is no evidence such cases can spread the virus to others. Others warn that attention must be paid to such cases lest they give rise to another wave of infections.Given the huge cost that has been paid and the great sacrifices people have made for what has been achieved in containing the spread of the virus in the past more than two months, due attention must be g ………………………………

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